Removable partial dentures
Thanks to advancements in permanent implant-supported prostheses, removable partial dentures are less popular than in the past. In fact, dentists rarely recommend them today.
However, they remain a good option for patients who are ineligible for implants for medical, anatomical or economic reasons.
Removable partial dentures are our second choice for replacing lost teeth. In addition to improving the way you look, they can help you chew more effectively and maintain balance between your remaining teeth, bone, mucous membrane and temporomandibular joint.
How are removable partial dentures made?
We start by examining the mouth to assess the condition of remaining teeth, the toothless area (edentulous ridge), mucous membranes, occlusion and restorations.
Then we will do a preliminary treatment that involves cleaning teeth, removing tartar, repairing cavities, extracting or modifying the shape of certain teeth. After that, we can take an impression and send it to the lab where the partial dentures will be made.
A few more appointments will be required to adjust your dentures.
Types of removable partial dentures:
Immediate transition dentures:
This is a temporary solution placed in the mouth when your teeth are extracted. They serve a purely cosmetic purpose so that you don’t have to go home toothless.
Removable partial dentures with a metal framework:
This is the most popular type of dentures. Featuring a thin, rigid metal frame that attaches to your natural teeth with clasps, these removable partials are supported by your natural teeth and the soft tissue in your palate and toothless area.
Partials that have a metal framework allow for better temperature and taste perception.
Partial dentures with an acrylic base:
This type of prosthesis is made entirely of pink acrylic and uses claps to attach to your natural teeth. It covers your palate entirely and is supported by soft tissue only. This option is more affordable than metal framework dentures, but it is not as comfortable.
In some cases, more complex types of prostheses are recommended. They are typically combined with precision attachments, crowns, implants or other treatments.